We have eminent speakers from all over Europe to share their knowledge and experience and offer high-level and varied expertise. Speakers come from a wide range of universities and international and national institutions.
Round Tables (list to be completed)
- Charles Touboul, Deputy general rapporteur from the report and study department of France’s Conseil d’Etat
- Wolfgang Hiller, Director for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, European Parliament
- Stephan Naundorf, German Federal Chancellery, Advisor to the Minister of State, Germany
- Philippe Ledenvic, President of the Environmental Authority, General Environmental and Sustainable Development Council, France
- Andrea Renda, Head of Regulatory Affairs at the Centre for European Policy Studies
Naudts Bernard, Member of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board, European Commission
Kauffmann Céline, OECD, Deputy Head, Regulatory Policy Division, Public Governance Directorate
Sangra Emmanuel, Head of Unit “Performance Audit and Evaluation”, Swiss Federal Audit Office; President of the Swiss Evaluation Society
John Watson, Director for Smart Regulation and Work Programme in the Secretariat-General (SG) (and former Commission Representative in COREPER I)
Marc Hostert, Head of Cabinet, European Court of Auditors
Academic sessions (list to be completed/updated)
- Thomas Perroud, Professor in Public law, University of Paris II
- Patricia Popelier, Professor of Law and Head of the Government & Law research unit, University of Antwerp
- Patrice Duran, Professeur des Universités, École Normale
Supérieure de Paris-Saclay, Président du Conseil National de l’Information
Statistique (CNIS)
- Katarina Staronova, Professor, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava
- Jean-Raphaël Pellas, Professeur in tax law, Institut Supérieur du Commerce de Paris
- Fabrizio de Francesco, Lecturer at the School of Government and Public Policy, University of Strathclyde Glasgow
- Adam Baïz, Administrator INSEE within the Ministry of the Environment
- Bertrand Léo Combrade, Lecturer in Public Law - University of Picardie Jules Verne, Member of the University Center for Research on Public Policy and Policy
- Patrick Gibert, Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris West Nanterre
Julien Piérard, Expert - Secrétariat général - Service public de Wallonie
Ulrich Karpen, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Hamburg
Phil Wynn Owen, Member of the European Court of Auditors