09h10 - 09h20 Presentation of the symposium.
Prof Xavier VANDENDRIESSCHE, Professor at the University of Lille
Prof Michael LASCOMBE, professor at Sciences Po Lille
09h20 - 09h30 Introductory remarks on the international symposium
Prof Xavier CABANNES, President of the French Society of Public Finance
Mr Dominique HASCHER, Councellor at the Cour de cassation
09h30 - 10h00 Introductory report
Ms Danièle LAMARQUE, member of the European Court of Auditors
Prof Michel LASCOMBE, Professor at Sciences Po Lille
Mr Aurélien BAUDU, Senior lecturer at the University of Lille
10h00 - 10h15 Coffee break
First part: The
adoption, execution and control procedures for Parliamentary budgets in Europe
10h15 – 11h45 Round table 1: The financial autonomy of the parliamentary assembly in the unicameral parliamentary systems in Europe
What are the rules on the adoption and execution of the assembly's budgets? Is the financial independence of the assembly recognised? How is this principle applied? What checks exist?
Viewpoints on public funding of the unicameral system in Luxembourg:
Prof Philippe POIRIER, Professor at the University in Luxembourg and
Viewpoints on public funding of the unicameral system in Denmark:
Mr Benoît JEAN-ANTOINE, Senior lecturer at the University of Rouen and
Mr Peter EGEMOSE GRIB, Chief Advisor at the Danish Parliament
Viewpoints on public funding of the unicameral system in Greece:
Mr Andreas KOUNDOUROS, Head of European Studies Department of the Hellenic Parliament
Mr Nikolaos MILIONIS, Member of the European Court of Auditors
Session chair: Prof Xavier CABANNES, President of the French Society of Public Finances
11h45 - 12h15 Discussion with the audience
12h15 - 14h00 Lunch offered by the European Court of auditors (6th floor of building K3) [1]
14h00 - 15h30 Round table 2: The financial autonomy of the parliamentary assemblies in the federal states and in the EU
What are the rules on the adoption and execution of the assemblies' budgets? Is the financial independence of the Parliament recognised? How is this principle applied? What checks are made?
Viewpoints on the specific case of the funding of the European Parliament:
Prof Aymeric POTTEAU, Professor at the University of Lille
Ms Danièle LAMARQUE, Member of the European Court of Auditors
Viewpoints on public funding of the bicameral system in Belgium:
Prof Francis DELPEREE, Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain and
Mr Frédéric JANSSENS, Secretary-General at the Walloon Parliament
Viewpoints on public funding of the bicameral system in Germany:
Prof Christoph GRÖPL, Professor at the University of Saarland and
Session chair: Prof Pauline TÜRK, Professor at the University of Nice
15h30 - 15h45 Discussion with the audience
15h45 - 16h00 Pause-Café
16h00 - 17h30 Round table 3: The financial autonomy of the parliamentary assemblies in the sui generis states in Europe
What are the rules on the adoption and execution of the assemblies' budgets? Is the financial independence of the Parliament recognised? How is this principle applied? What checks are made?
Viewpoints on public funding of the bicameral system in United Kingdom:
Mr Ramu DE BELLESCIZE, Senior Lecturer at the University of Rouen and
Dr Nikiforos MELETIADIS, Researcher at the University of Oxford
Viewpoints on public funding of the bicameral system in Spain:
Mr François BARQUE, Senior Lecturer at the University of Grenoble and
Ms. Isabel Inmaculada REVUELTA DE ROJAS, Lawyer at the Congress of Deputies of Spain
Viewpoints on public funding of the bicameral system in Italy:
Ms Katia BLAIRON, Senior Lecturer at the University of Lorraine and
Prof Roberto MICCÙ, Professor at the University della Sapienza in Rome
Session chair: Prof Benoît DELAUNAY, Professor at the University of Paris 2 Assas
17h30 - 18h00 Discussion with the audience
18h00 Closure of the first day’s discussions
Friday 23 March 2018
08h30 - 09h00 Welcoming of participants and coffee
09h00 - 10h00 Round table 4: The financial autonomy of the parliamentary assemblies in the unitary states of the EU
What are the rules on the adoption and execution of the assemblies' budgets? Is the financial autonomy of the Parliament recognised? How is this principle applied? What checks are made?
- Viewpoints on public funding of the bicameral system in France:
Prof Vincent DUSSART, Professor at the University of Toulouse,
Mr Harold DESCLODURES, Senior Lecturer at the University of Littoral Côte d'Opale and
Mr Laurent DOMINGO, Master of requests at the Council of State
- Viewpoints on public funding of the bicameral system in Romania:
Ms Gabriela CONDURACHE, Visiting Lecturer at the University of Lille and
Prof Verginia VEDINAS, Professor at the University of Bucharest
Session chair: Prof Stéphanie DAMAREY, Professor at the University of Lille
0h00 - 10h15 Discussion with the audience
10h15 - 10h30 Coffee break
Second part: The rules governing the funding of the
statute of elected and non-elected members of the Parliaments in Europe
10h30 – 12h00 Round table 1: The funding and material status of the elected members of the parliaments in Europe
What are the rules on the funding of their status? Are there different rules for different types of state? What is their material status? What are their material advantages? What are the procedures? What checks are made?
- Viewpoints on the funding of the material status of MPs in the EU:
Mr Gilles TOULEMONDE, Senior Lecturer at the University of Lille and
Mr Georges BERGOUGNOUS, Director of the Legals Service at the French National Assembly
- Viewpoints on the funding of the material status of representatives of the European Parliament:
Ms Audrey ROSA, Senio Lecturer at the University of Lille and
Ms Karima DELLI, Member of the European Parliament
- Viewpoints on the funding of the material status of parliamentary groups:
Mr Damien CONNIL, Associate researcher at the CNRS, University of Pau and the Adour area
Session chair: Prof Martin COLLET, Professor at the University of Paris 2 Assas
12h00 - 12h15 Discussion with the audience
12h15 - 14h00 Lunch offered by the European Court of Auditors (6th floor of the K3 building) [2]
14h00 – 15h30 Round table 2 : The funding and material status of the non-elected members of the Parliaments in Europe
- Viewpoints on the material status of former MPs in the EU:
Mr Jérôme GERMAIN, Senior Lecturer at the University of Lorraine and
Mr René DOSIERE, Former MP in the Aisne region
- Viewpoints on the funding of parliamentary assistants in the EU:
Mr Matthieu CARON, Senior Lecturer at the University of Valenciennes and
Ms Marie-Françoise CLERGEAU, Honorary Quaestor at the French National Assembly
- Viewpoints on the funding of Parliamentary officials in the EU :
Ms Dorothée REIGNIER, Senior Lecturer at the University of the Antilles and French Guiana,
Mr Didier KLETHI, Director-General for Finance in the European Parliament
Session chair : Prof Jean-Éric GICQUEL, Professor at the University of Rennes
15h30 - 15h45 Discussion with the audience
15h45 - 16h30 Summary report by Mr Renaud BOURGET, Senior lecturer at the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne.
16h30 Closure of the Symposium
For all external participants and Members of the European Court of Auditors
all external participants and Members of the European Court of Auditors