


Special report 16/2024: EU revenue based on non‑recycled plastic packaging waste
Posebno poročilo 16/2024: Prihodki EU iz naslova nereciklirane odpadne plastične embalaže
Posebno poročilo 14/2024: Zeleni prehod
Special report 14/2024: Green transition
Special report 12/2024: The EU’s response to the COVID‑19 pandemic
Posebno poročilo 12/2024: Odzivanje EU na pandemijo COVID‑19
Special report 13/2024: Absorption of funds from the Recovery and Resilience Facility
Posebno poročilo 13/2024: Črpanje sredstev iz mehanizma za okrevanje in odpornost
Posebno poročilo 11/2024: Industrijska politika EU na področju obnovljivega vodika
Special report 11/2024: The EU’s industrial policy on renewable hydrogen
Review 03/2024: An overview of the assurance framework and the key factors contributing to errors in 2014-2020 cohesion spending
Pregled 03/2024: Pregled okvira zagotovil in ključnih razlogov za napake pri porabi za kohezijo za obdobje 2014–2020
Artificial Intelligence initial strategy and deployment roadmap 2024-2025
Special report 10/2024: The recognition of professional qualifications in the EU
Posebno poročilo 10/2024: Priznavanje poklicnih kvalifikacij v EU
2023 - Activity Report of the Authorising Officer by Delegation (pursuant to Article 74(9) of the Financial Regulation)
2023 - Poročilo o dejavnostih odredbodajalca na podlagi prenosa pooblastil (v skladu s členom 74(9) finančne uredbe)
Special report 09/2024: Security of the supply of gas in the EU
Posebno poročilo 09/2024: Zanesljivost oskrbe s plinom v EU
ECA Journal N° 2/2024: EU industrial policy – the solution to various dilemmas?
Special report 08/2024: EU Artificial intelligence ambition
Posebno poročilo 08/2024: Cilji EU na področju umetne inteligence
Special report 07/2024: The Commission’s systems for recovering irregular EU expenditure
Posebno poročilo 07/2024: Sistemi Komisije za izterjavo nepravilnih odhodkov EU
European Court of Auditors - Our activities in 2023
Evropsko računsko sodišče - Dejavnosti Sodišča v letu 2023
Posebno poročilo 06/2024: Instrument za begunce v Turčiji
Special report 06/2024: The Facility for Refugees in Turkey
Special report 05/2024: EU Transparency Register
Posebno poročilo 05/2024: Register EU za preglednost
2023 Social Balance Sheet
ECA Journal N° 1/2024: Accountability and transparency: arrangements and practices
Special report 04/2024: Reaching EU road safety objectives
Posebno poročilo 04/2024: Doseganje ciljev EU na področju varnosti v cestnem prometu
Review 02/2024: The Commission’s rule of law reporting
Pregled 02/2024: Poročanje Komisije o stanju pravne države
Special report 03/2024: The rule of law in the EU
Posebno poročilo 03/2024: Pravna država v EU
Opinion 01/2024 ​​concerning the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
Mnenje 01/2024 o predlogu Uredbe Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o vzpostavitvi instrumenta za reforme in rast za Zahodni Balkan
Pregled 01/2024: Ukrepi EU v zvezi s pripravništvi za mlade
Review 01/2024: EU actions addressing traineeships for young people
Special report 02/2024: The coordination role of the European External Action Service
Posebno poročilo 02/2024: Usklajevalna vloga Evropske službe za zunanje delovanje
Special report 01/2024: Reducing carbon dioxide emissions from passenger cars
Posebno poročilo 01/2024: Zmanjšanje emisij ogljikovega dioksida iz osebnih avtomobilov
Special report 29/2023: The EU’s support for sustainable biofuels in transport
Posebno poročilo 29/2023: Podpora EU trajnostnim pogonskim biogorivom v prometu
2024+ work programme
Program dela za leto 2024 in obdobje po njem